Comfort Emergency Kit Mindfulness Tools Uncategorized

Study to be quiet?

What is this business about my needing to study, strive, labor to be quiet? shouldn’t, quiet, just happen? I Thessalonians 4:11. I have always been a quiet person on the outside. For example, when I had the opportunity to give a Sunday morning sermon at a high school reunion, all my friends came up to […]

Emergency Kit Tools


The other weapon that I take up is the sword of the Spirit which is the spoken word of God. Jesus gave a good example of this when the devil attacked him after his fasting in the wilderness.  First the devil thrusts with “If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made […]

Emergency Kit Tools Uncategorized


Put on the whole armor of God. OK, but what does it mean to put on the armor? I am so prone to read a verse and agree and move on without asking “what exactly am I supposed to do with this?” First remember the three fold response to EVERYTHING? That’s right THANKS, HELP, SHOW […]

Emergency Kit Tools


a good thing to add to your emergency kit Watchman Nee was discouraged. Each morning he would concentrate on acting dead to sin all day and acting more alive to God. At the end of the day he would examine how he had done–not so well. He spent 40 days fasting and praying to try […]

Emergency Kit Tools


Years ago, I was glancing through a Sunday school paper and enjoyed a report from a chronically depressed lady. She probably had Bipolar II which is mostly depressed and some highs but she fluctuated a lot. She found herself in an “up” period and realized that, in the past, she would have hoped that it […]

Comfort Emergency Kit Mindfulness

Is it OK to Sweat the Big Stuff?

We know it’s not smart to “sweat the small stuff” but does that mean it’s OK to sweat the big stuff? The truth is that I shouldn’t sweat anything. Well, maybe it is alright for me to sweat being obedient, sweat moving my body members according to a growing picture of God’s principles in action. […]

Emergency Kit Iniquity Life Challange Prayer


When the devil attacks, it is often useful to concede his observation but not his conclusion. For example, he will point out “you are too weak ” and then conclude that you might as well go ahead and sin, since you will just fall in the end”, OR,” try try try to be  stronger” OR, “hate […]

Emergency Kit Faith Iniquity Life Challange Peace


Worry is something we take! So how much worry should I invest in tomorrow?  None? Not even for Food or Clothing? Does God want me to run around naked and starving? No! That is precisely why it is a waste of energy to worry about these things–my heavenly father knows that I need these. Besides, […]

Emergency Kit Life Challange Sin

BLATHERED a “condition” in which to seek God

When I was a teenager, I went on a trip with a group of classmates in a bus. The trip was long and it was hot and the adult group leader was wise and warned me that I would find myself in a CONDITION which would “excuse” irritability and complaining. She suggested that, instead, I […]

Emergency Kit Mindfulness Uncategorized

Don’t Stare At Potholes!

When I was a child, I rode five miles downhill to school. I could do 30 mph going and 5 mph coming home. I learned that if I stared at a rock or a pothole, it would suck me right in. The state police warn people to not stare at an accident in front of […]