

I am told that prairie pioneers would see a prairie fire racing towards them and deliberately set a fire between their house and the oncoming fire. The larger fire was sucking air in to feed itself, so would pull the smaller fire towards itself. This created a charred area between the big fire and the house and stopped the oncoming destruction. We need to burn up all the fuel that feeds destructive coveting, by fanning the flames of godly coveting.

God just loves passion, but every passion can either bring blessing or a curse. I am to hunger and thirst for righteousness, I am to hate evil, and I am to covet earnestly the best gifts, most of all agape love. Matthew 5:6, Psalm 97:10,

Earthly coveting is wanting abilities, looks, possessions etc. that someone has. Wanting them to just be ours without working for them and being willing to take them from the other or to feel better about my not having them by putting down what the other has.

Godly coveting is seeing the ministry and abilities of another and rejoicing in their having those gifts; comfortably letting them minister from their gifts, and enjoying relationship with them even though they have gifts I don’t. Then longing to grow into being well rounded by learning from them, and watching those with different gifts and learning to emulate them.

Some are good at understanding the Word of God and using the words of life to encourage and guide others. Learn from them how to get into and share the Word.

Some are more sensitive to other’s feelings. Learn from them to take others feelings into account and to be skilled at comforting others and rejoicing with them.

Some are good at seeing areas of need and stepping in to serve others. Learn from them to do the same with kindness and joy.

Some are good at being careful to be accurate with the truth and helping others stay on track without bending the scriptures. Learn from them to be careful and accurate with the truth.

Some are good at stewarding money for the kingdom. Learn from them to be a responsible steward.

Some are good at organizing groups to work together. Learn from them to work as part of a team.

Most of all I need to watch for examples of the type of love that seeks other’s best interest. Learn from them to do everything with such love.

One of these gifts will seem natural to us and the others will have to be learned. I need to be careful not to judge others for not “just doing it” in the areas that are obvious to me. Instead I need to contribute and help them develop skills so they may be more well rounded. I need to be careful to not put down my contribution because it is not as “cool” as someone elses.

We need to delight in being around people with superior skill in areas we need to develop. If you want to be a better tennis player, find someone who can beat you and play with them and learn their skills. Just as the tennis players “covet” to improve, we should be learning and growing the day we die.

The church is often remiss in this by putting the “perfect” performers up front, suggesting that if others are not as good, then they have nothing to contribute. Remember that those who seem the least are, “Much more necessary!”

Shall the ear say, “because I am not an eyeball, I don’t belong?”
What if the whole body were a giant eyeball? I Corinthians 12


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